Sydney Maronite Churches

My little tour of the Maronite Churches in Sydney

Location: Sydney

Friday, December 22, 2006

St. Johns Melkite Church Shrine

St. John the Evangelist Melkite Church

I decided to stop over at our neighbours at St Johns Melkite church in Greenacre. 3 minutes walk from St Charbel in Punchbowl, to see what they have done for christmas.

This beautiful little shrine is reminiscent of the cave at Our Lady of Magdouche church in Lebanon.

Legend has it that Jesus and his followers stayed in that cave while travelling in Lebanon.

I love Byzantine art. Hopefully over the next couple of weeks, ill have a chance to visit the church and see what it has to offer in terms of its religious art and icons.

Our Lady Lighting up the Night

The Shadow of Jesus

Late Night prayers during christmas week at Our Lady of Lebanon. Notice the shadow of Jesus.

Late Night Prayers at Our Lady

The Altar

Friday, December 15, 2006

St John the Beloved Church - Mt Druitt

A little tour of St John the Beloved Maronite Catholic Church in Mt Druitt Sydney

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Our Lady of Lebanon Church II

Our Lady of Lebanon Church